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Frequently Asked Questions

What if I can't stay the whole time?

We offer both full-time and part-time registration options.  If you only want to stop by for the party, you can even register at the door!

What if I want to stay longer?

Unfortunately, our time is limited but if you're hoping to extend your vacation, we greatly recommend exploring the Black Mountain and/or Asheville area.  

What should I bring?

If you plan to stay onsite, including Weatherford Hall and any overflow housing, you do not need to bring bedding or towels; these are provided by the Blue Ridge Assembly. You may wish to bring an extra towel, and DO bring toiletries, flashlight, bug spray, sunscreen, umbrella, water bottle, and anything else that would make your stay comfortable. Also, bring clothes for all possible weather conditions - from warm to cold!

NOTE: We are fragrance free.  Please refrain from using perfumed or fragranced personal products while at the workshop.

Is there parking?

The conference center has plenty of parking lots and spaces.  You may park in any marked spaces, including those near the cabins. The conference center has plenty of parking lots and spaces.  You may park in any marked space, including those near the cabins.

How do meals work?

We hire our own chef!  Hot dinner buffets and breakfasts will be provided by our chef at the Weatherford Hall dining room. Our chef will do her best to accommodate folks with allergies and provide vegetarian entrees, so please indicate this on the registration and medical forms. Meal times will be posted on the Playshop schedule on our web site.  For those with dietary restrictions, the menu ingredients will be posted at meals.  If you wish to bring snacks or supplements, Weatherford Hall has refrigerators for food storage.  

What is the dance space like?

Our dance space is a large, airy gymnasium with a lovely wooden flooron the second level of an old historic building (Main stair: 8-9 steps; Back-door stairs: 20 steps).  The building does not include plumbing. Restrooms are located in the nearby “new” gymnasium.  Plan to bring your own water bottle and keep it filled from the tap in your room at Weatherford or from the kitchen in Weatherford.  We will have bottles of water available but prefer you bring your own.

Is there dancing after 11pm?

Yes!  The dance party goes after 11pm for any who would like to join.​

What is there to do when I'm not dancing?

In addition to the Playshop programming, the YMCA offers several other activities that are available to us: hiking trails, tennis courts, volleyball and horseshoes. There’s also a general-purpose gymnasium to use,if you want to throw some hoops or create your own activities. (The pool will not be available because it’s closed after Labor Day.)

What if I don't need accommodations?

If you're local or have made your own housing arrangements you are very welcome to come the day camp starts to register for workshops and parties.   Please be aware that if you want to join us for meals, you must pre-register and pay by the posted deadline for all meal options.

Where can I get more dance action?

If you love to dance as much as we do, we recommend you check out some other dance events as well.  FolkmootDancing in the Triangle, and Dance Asheville  eare some of our favorites.

What are Artist Tables?

Artist tables are places where you can buy or sell crafted items.  If you would like to sell your work at Playshop, an 8 x 4 artists table is included in the full-time registration fee - just indicate your interest on the registration form.  Tables are available for $20 to part-time dancers and non-dancers, so be sure to invite your artisan friends!  Table space is limited and available on a first come first serve basis, with priority given to full-time registrations.

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